Art Of Managing People

The Corporate World is going through some fast paced changes. Yet, one thing which remains unchanged is the Art of Managing People. Rather, it has become more valuable and dominant.

It is wisely said, If you want others to follow a certain path, set yourself as an example for them. Likewise, the art of managing people starts Within-Self. To manage people at your workplace, you need to start with yourself.

Steps Towards Self Management

Self Managing is a set of certain steps to be taken in the right direction.

firstly for inner growth and

secondly for achieving goals.

Step 1 Self Awareness

First and foremost step is to know your own strengths and weaknesses. Slowly and Gradually make yourself aware of your own values, personality, intelligence and emotional quotient, good and bad habits and many more. This will lead you to the phase of self-efficacy.

"Self Awareness leads to the path of Self Accomplishment" which is directly related to Company's Growth.

Step 2Stress Management

Even in the coldest night of the season, if you have the will of surviving and ability to manage your tension, you'll climb mountains. Same goes when you make tough decisions for your company's performance.

Managing Stress Level is a crucial step of Self Management which takes time and energy, also patience and practice.

Step 3 Productivity

Not so unpopular step is to direct your energy towards productivity but not futility. Many people confuse long working hours with effective and productive tasks completion.

Calculate every single move, read, meet and greet for the best results. Think how you can turn every possible second into something of value adding outcome for your personal life and then for your company.

Step 4 Self Responsibility

In our previous articles also we have discussed how accountability and responsibility relate to each other and also helps to achieve our desired goals.

Taking Responsibility for all your decisions, also accountable for the failure of the plans, sets an example in front of the team. This indirectly and directly motivates them to be truthful towards organization. Also helps both employer and employee to maintain transparency at the workplace which eventually empower relationships.

Step 5 Maintaining Balance

Last but not the least, maintaining balance between professional and personal life. It is easy to give advice and ask people to sustain balance between both of them but reality is far away. It is not a trouble - free journey but has its own complexities.

Being a leader, it is important to share your past issues, ups and downs with your teammates. It opens them upto to new possibilities and provides them first hand experience.

Steps Towards Managing Workplace People

"It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, and how you’re led." - Steve Jobs

Step 1 Delegate Job Position

Good leaders focus on delegating their work. For accomplishing a task in a most productive way they know how to instruct their teammates to feel empowered. Delegating Job Titles and Positions also boost their morale to do more.

While delegating your work it's important to focus on:
  • Defining Job Positions.
  • Expectations from Job Titles
  • Formulating Company's Goal Clearly
  • Crystal Clear Oral & Written Communication

Step 2 Follow-Up Meeting

Once the duties and tasks are assigned, it is important to arrange follow up meetings every third day. This not only keeps your teammates in check but it also helps in understanding their performance and requirements at work.

While doing follow-up meeting, below points should be taken into consideration:
  • Check if they're lacking any resources..
  • Keeping the tabs on the work they do
  • Helping them understand complex issues

Step 3 Maintaining Sheets

Keeping records of the tasks completed by employees will not only help you to understand their strengths and weaknesses individually, but also as a team..

For Employers: While assigning new work, these records will help you to better understand by whom which task can be completed more efficiently.

For Employees: When an employee understands their performances, abilities and capabilities, they tend to work more effectively with confidence.

Step 4 Transparency

Transparency is a step which is misunderstood by most of the organizations. Internal Affairs should not be misunderstood by employees' concerns. Managing people gets easy when organization is transparent.

Few of the most debating transparency issues to focus on:
  • Money Transparency in all aspects such as Profit Sharing, Due Dates, Bonus and many more.
  • Work Role and Load of Tasks Completion.
  • Promotion and future increment.

Step 5 Workplace Conflict Resolution

Resolving workplace conflict is the most important part of managing people. A Leader is a person who can turn broken pieces of glass into glass art. Team Building Pro is well known for building employee engagement through valuable workshops which includes indoor and outdoor activities.

Following are the points to remember while resolving fights
  • Know the Core of Disagreement
  • Hear Both the Sides
  • Make them feel Heard and Valued
  • Listen What They Mean not just focus on words
  • Employee Engagement Programs

contact info

989 966 2166, 987 103 0465

B-94, (1st Floor) Lajpat Nagar-1 New Delhi-110024

Mon - Sat : 10AM - 7PM

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frequently asked questions

We offer a diverse range of activities and interventions, both outdoor and indoor, designed to foster team cohesion, communication, and collaboration. From interactive workshops to adventurous outdoor challenges, our methodology is experential learning which is a mixture of fun and learning on the go practice to elevate the expereince as per given by the organization.

Before designing any program, we do a thorough understanding of your organization's goals, challenges, and team dynamics. This allows us to tailor our interventions to address your specific needs and objectives effectively.

Absolutely! Our team building programs have a process to follow which can accommodate a group of 10 people to upto 500 or more participants. Whether you have a small department or an entire company, we have the resources and expertise to engage everyone effectively.

Our journey has been enriched by training under esteemed international mentors, and our portfolio extends globally through workshops conducted worldwide. We bring this rich tapestry of experience to empower your team. Drawing upon more than a decade of expertise and a profound comprehension of human psychology and group dynamics. We specialize in crafting immersive experiences that not only captivate but also foster profound connections and facilitate learning within teams. There are some more secrets that we would like to discuss over a call, we hope you understand.

Energy is something that you can see in all our videos. We prioritize engagement by incorporating interactive elements, experiential learning, and dynamic facilitation techniques into our programs. Additionally, we continually innovate and introduce new games and activities to keep participants energized and fully immersed in the experience.

If our program doesn't meet your expectations, rest assured, that our workshops are backed by a risk-free policy. You step into a zone where satisfaction is guaranteed. Whether you're content with the current facilitator or seeking a change, your happiness is paramount.

We believe in the importance of measurable outcomes. Therefore, we utilize a variety of assessment tools, including participant feedback, pre- and post-program evaluations, and quantitative performance metrics*, to gauge the effectiveness of our programs and ensure continuous improvement.

*tnc applied

Charging for a team-building workshop typically involves several key aspects to ensure comprehensive pricing that reflects the value and effort put into the event. Such as the number of participants, duration of the workshop, kind of activity, location of the workshop, manpower used, and materials used.

While our engaging workshops can start from as short as 30 minutes, we recommend a duration of 1 hour for optimal impact and engagement.
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